Days to Summer

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Tenney Kids From Semple Street

We grew up in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, just short of the Cathedral of Learning's shadow. There were eight of us kids, four girls and four boys, and for some reason everyone thought we looked alike. We didn't think so but we liked to use it to our own advantage a lot. Our mom was Sugar McCole, sounds made up doesn't it. Our dad's name was Rich Tenney, a lot of his friends called him Dick. Names have changed a lot in the last 50 years or so but our names were about as exotic as a first grade primer. Kathy, the oldest, was born in 1951. Ricky, Susie, Billy, Georgie and Jimmy followed pretty quickly. Kelly and Joyce, the babies, were born 14 and 16 years after the first. It's hard to believe but most of us are grandparents now.We've been working on the family tree off and on for years now, we never finish and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I thought this would be a good place to start the process of remembering the stories of our lives and our parents and grandparents' lives for our kids and grandkids before it's all forgotten.

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